
Taekwondo is originally from Korea and is now over 4000 years old. The three syllables of the name stand for foot technique (Tae), hand technique (Kwon) and the art or the way (Do). In taekwondo foot techniques dominate more clearly than in comparable martial arts.

The clothes
Everyone wears a white taekwondo suit (Dobok). The suit has a big V-neckline, wide sleeves and wide trousers for good agility. Women are allowed to wear a white T-shirt underneath. All have a sturdy fabric belt that is knotted around the waist.

History of the belts
Allegedly, students and trainers wore a same-colored belt. As it used to be mainly out-of-doors, the belts of those who frequently trained became darker and darker, while those of the "lazy ones" stayed beautifully light and clean. This is how the path from the white belt to the black belt came into being.

The disciplines
The Taekwondo section of the TSV Weitramsdorf will perform a mix of the following disciplines on stage. Be curious and especially looking forward to impressive disciplines such as the break test, in which wooden boards or bricks are smashed.
  • Running form (Taegeuk)
    specified techniques are run in a predetermined order
  • Self defense (Hosinsul)
    Self-defense against one or more opponents
  • Intervened fight (Ilbo-Taeryeon)
    a show fight with a defined technique order against an opponenta show fight with a defined technique order against an opponent
  • Breaking test
    Trampling or smashing a wooden board with prescribed techniques depending on the degree of belting
  • Free fight
    a diminished form of competition that is hit but not injured (shows body tension and self-discipline)
  • Contest
    Light or full contact fight in which points are scored when you hit the opponent correctly
  • Basics
    Exercise individual techniques by repeating multiple times without opponentsExercise individual techniques by repeating multiple times without opponents